Summer Updates!
The summer has been busy! Here are some highlights on what we've been up to:
Dr. Laronda is on the Lurie Children's Hospital elevator!
Members participated at SSR in New Orleans: This year's annual Society for the Study of Reproduction Meeting was held in New Orleans, LA. Nathan Henning, presented a Flash Talk and Poster entitled Mapping Extracellular Matrix Protein Composition Across Ovarian Compartments and Remodeling during Folliculogenesis. Our new member, Dr. Kelly McKinnon , presented a poster on research she performed in the Woodruff lab for her PhD thesis on Microphysiologic modeling of human ectocervical tissue with endocrine support reveals distinct follicular and luteal phase gene expression profiles. Dr. Laronda was invited to present at the pre-conference Ovarian Workshop on Preantral follicle survival and growth: emerging approaches. We were excited to support our mentor, Dr. Teresa Woodruff, who received the SSR Trainee Mentor award!
We had a great time catching up with colleagues and establishing new collaborations!
Dr. Laronda caught up with bioengineer colleagues at GRC-STEEM: The Gordon Research Conference for Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices was held in New Hampshire. Dr. Laronda was invited to present on Investigating How Native Matrisome Composition and Engineered Architectures Control Ovarian Function.
Kelly Even is expecting! We celebrated 2 years as a lab on August 1st and celebrated Kelly and Anthony Even who are expecting their first child! We can't wait to meet them!
New team members! We would also like to welcome Sofia Petukhova, research tech, Regina Fricton, summer intern, Dr. Kelly McKinnon, postdoc, Dr. Courtney Harris, FHPR fellow, and Aminata Bangoura, FHPR CRCII to our team! Check out their profiles on the members pages.

New publication: Laparoscopic unilateral oophorectomy for ovarian tissue cryopreservation in children